Specific Terms and Conditions applicable to the Local Presence Service provided by Digger Media LTD

These Specific Terms and Conditions and the General Terms and Conditions shall be interpreted and applied together as a single instrument (the "Agreement"). To the extent there is a direct conflict between these terms and the General Terms and Conditions, these terms shall prevail. Capitalised terms defined in the General Terms and Conditions shall have the same meaning in the Specific Terms and Conditions.

1. The Service

For selected Extensions and in accordance with the applicable Registry Policy, Digger Media LTD may, at its sole discretion provide the Customer with a local address which shall allow the Customer to meet the Registry Domain Name registration requirements (the "Local Presence").

2. Limitations

The Customer acknowledges that the Local Presence is a free of charge, complimentary service. As such the Customer understands that they remain free to abide by the Registry Policy by any means of their choice, such as but not limited to, appointing their own local presence.

The Local Presence Service is provided without any guarantee expressed or implied. In particular, Digger Media LTD shall not be held responsible or liable in the event the Service no longer complies with the requirements of the Registry Policy or is no longer available to the Customer.

The Customer understands and accepts that the Local Presence may only be provided for domain names registered with Digger Media LTD. The Customer consequently accepts that in order to be allowed to transfer a domain name using this Service to another Registrar, the Customer must appoint their own local presence beforehand.

Digger Media LTD retains the right to suspend temporarily or definitely the provision of the Local Presence Service at any time. It is the Customer's sole responsibility to take any required measures to ensure that they comply, by their own means, with the Registry registration requirement. The Customer understands and agrees that any suspension of  the Local Presence Service will lead in the deletion of the Domain Name and that Digger Media LTD cannot be held liable for such deletion.

3. Responsibility

The Customer commits not to use the Local Presence Service for any illicit or fraudulent purposes and more generally, in any way breach the principles set forth by article 10 of the General Terms and Conditions.

The Customer understands that any improper use of the Local Presence Service will result in the immediate, and without prior notice, deletion of the Domain Name using this service as well as the complete suspension of the Customer Account if Digger Media LTD deems it necessary.
The Customer accepts that neither Digger Media LTD nor the Provider whose services are used to provide the Local Presence Service can be held liable for the use of the Service made by the Customer.

4. Guarantee

The Customer commit to hold harmless Digger Media LTD and/or the Provider against any claim and/or suit from any third party based on or arising from the Customer's use of the Service. This guarantee includes among others that the Customer will fully indemnify Digger Media LTD and/or the Provider for any direct or indirect damages such as but not limited to, all administrative, judiciary or extra judiciary costs incurred for Digger Media LTD and/or the Provider by the Customer's use of the Service.

In the event the Local Presence Service relies on the services of a Provider, additional terms of use may apply. Digger Media LTD shall publish the current version of this document or, failing that a hyperlink to the Provider website where the applicable terms of use are available.

Trustee Service

With our local presence services we enable domain name registrations regardless from the registrant's residency. Using our trustee service (local presence services) you can register domains even in ccTLDs with geographical restrictions. Some national registries, among them the German DENIC, the European EURid, the Italian Nic and the French AFNIC, require as part of their registration guidelines that a domain has a local contact address. Following such rules, the respective domain name may only be registered if a owner contact and/or admin contact is provided for the domain in the country of the registry.

Your identity is only revealed in special circumstances whereby it may be necessary to reveal your name and personal information such as:

When required by law, or in the good faith belief that such action is necessary in order to conform to the law.

To comply with a subpoena or other legal process served upon us.

To resolve any and all third party claims, whether threatened or made, arising out of your use of a domain name.